CCC stands for Course on Computer Concepts and is an initiative led by the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT), a Government of India body. It is a certification program designed to provide basic computer skills and knowledge to those who are not familiar with computers. This article will cover the full form of CCC, its meaning in Hindi, and how it is used in India.
What is CCC’s Full Form?
CCC stands for Course on Computer Concepts. It is an initiative of the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT), a Government of India body. The program is designed to provide basic computer skills and knowledge to those who are not familiar with computers. It is also known as the ‘CCC Certification’ program.
CCC’s Meaning in Hindi
CCC का पूरा रूप Course on Computer Concepts (कंप्यूटर विषय पर पाठ्यक्रम) होता है। यह भारत सरकार के नेशनल इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स एंड इंफोर्मेशन टेक्नोलॉजी (NIELIT) द्वारा संचालित एक परियोजना है। यह परियोजना कंप्यूटर के ज्ञान को कम जानने वालों को कंप्यूटर के बारे में मूलभू