MPIN stands for Mobile Personal Identification Number and is a unique four-digit code used to authenticate a user’s identity when accessing certain services. In Hindi, MPIN is known as मोबाइल व्यक्तिगत पहचान संख्या (MVPS). It is an important security feature used to protect users from fraud and identity theft.
MPIN Full Form in Hindi
MPIN stands for Mobile Personal Identification Number and is known as मोबाइल व्यक्तिगत पहचान संख्या (MVPS) in Hindi. It is a unique four-digit code used to authenticate a user’s identity when accessing certain services.
- MPIN provides an extra layer of security when accessing certain services, such as banking, mobile payments, and online shopping. It helps protect users from fraud and identity theft by ensuring that only the authorized user has access to the service.
- MPIN can also be used as a form of two-factor authentication when accessing certain services. This means that in addition to entering a username and password, the user must also enter their MPIN to gain access. This adds an extra layer of security and helps to protect the user’s data from unauthorized access.