As a physician, you know a thing or two about obtaining loans throughout your life. Newer physicians or anyone right out of medical school may notice that they have a harder time securing loans. This is due to a couple of different factors including debts and other loans you may already have. But luckily, there are ways to be savvy about the loans you already have. If you find that your mortgage or other home loan is beginning to become cumbersome, here are some of the benefits of refinancing that loan.
Types of Home Loans for Physicians
When you find that you have a steady job as a physician or you have to move for a specific job, those are both great times to look into purchasing a home. There are actually loans that lean speciiclaly towards the interests of phsyicains tha you can look into obtaining before diving into a home purchase.
One type of home loan that is popular for physicians is an NEO home loan. These are home loans that are specifically created for people that have unique circumstances when applying for home loans. For physicians, these circumstances can be student loan debt or other unproven financial history. When you are in school for a long period of time, it can be difficult to build up credit or a financial history for your loan applications.
An NEO loan allows physicians in those situations to get the funding they need and start building up their financial history. With this type of loan, you can look into classic mortgage options or other flexible loans that may fit your situation better. You can learn about all of the details in this helpful article.
Refinancing Your Home Loan
If you’ve already been out of medical school for a while you probably already have a home loan that you are taking care of month after month. At a certain point, your loan payment may feel outdated or no longer reflect your current financial situation. When this happens, you can begin looking into refinancing options.
Benefits to Refinance Your Home Loan
There are many benefits to refinancing your home loan. Not only can you secure better rates but you may be able to pay off the loan at a faster rate. Overall refinancing your home loan can eventually lead to home ownership in a shorter amount of time. Let’s get into some more details about the benefits of refinancing your home loan.
Extended Loan Payment
One of the first reasons you may be looking to refinance your home loan is to extend the payment term. There are so many things that come into play when deciding to extend the payment. You may have decided to grow your family and need more money to keep everyone healthy and happy. Maybe you decided to go back to school to learn a focused skill that will help you advance your career as a physician. Whatever the reason, sometimes it’s beneficial to extend your payment.
Lower Interest Rate
A beneficial reason to refinance your home would be to get a new interest rate. As you move up the ranks as a physician your income can also increase. This makes it easier to pay off student loans and build wealth. Not only that, but by steadily paying loans and being a responsible lendee may increase your credit score. When this happens, you have the power to go back to your home lender and refinance your current home loan. This type of refinancing helps you have a lower interest rate on your loan. When you secure a lower interest rate on your loan, you end up paying less on the loan over time. Having a lower interest rate will also decrease your monthly mortgage payment. This makes it easier and quicker to pay off your home loan.
Fixed Interest Rates
Another benefit of refinancing your home loan is the possibility of obtaining a fixed interest rate. Interstate rates on home loans fluctuate depending on the market. If you get your loan when interest rates are low that’s great but they may be affected if the market interest rates increase. With an adjustable-rate mortgage, there will be periods where the interest rate on your mortgage can be adjusted and you may have to pay a higher rate.
When refinancing your loan you can look into fixed interest rate loans. These interest rates will stay the same throughout your loan payment period. So you don’t have to worry about surprise increases that you may not be prepared to pay. A fixed interest rate will also help you pay your loan off in a shorter amount of time.
Refinancing your home loan can make it much easier to become a homeowner as a physician. When you get into the workforce as a physician, your financial situation can quickly change. Refinancing your home loan can make it easier to pay off the loan and allow you to live a stress-free, comfortable life with a house you love.