When you find yourself in a non-criminal legal dispute, a civil attorney can be your beacon of hope.
These professionals work to resolve disputes between individuals or organizations that typically involve monetary reparations. From personal injuries and property disputes to business disagreements, a civil attorney near me ensures that your voice is heard and your rights are protected.
This guide will explain who civil attorneys are, what they do, and how they can change the course of your civil case.
Deciphering the Civil Attorney: Who Are They?
Civil attorneys represent clients involved in non-criminal disputes. They are the unseen heroes behind landmark cases that have shaped the legal landscape of nations. A famous civil case, for instance, is Brown v. Board of Education (1954), which ruled segregated schools unconstitutional.
With that said, the civil lawsuit concept lies at the heart of civil law. It’s a court-sanctioned process that allows one party to hold another responsible for an action wronging the former.
Civil lawsuits are unique because they don’t operate within the government’s criminal justice system. Thus, the powers vested in a civil court judge differ significantly from those of a criminal court judge.
While both can compel an individual to perform reparations, only a criminal court judge can issue a jail sentence. In a civil suit, jail sentences are typically awarded for contempt or disobeying a court order.
The Impact of a Civil Lawyer: How Can They Assist You?
A civil lawyer’s primary role is to defend your rights. Their experience with similar cases gives them the expertise to unearth pieces of evidence you might overlook. Their ultimate goal is not just to prove what happened and ensure such events don’t recur.
A civil lawyer at Dunn Sheehan will also listen to your side of the story and help you present your perspective in the most favorable light. Thus, they offer a more holistic approach than criminal or district attorneys, who primarily focus on punishment for wrongdoing. A civil lawsuit, on the other hand, seeks justice for you and not merely punishment for the other party.
Moreover, civil lawyers don’t just right societal wrongs; they also rectify personal injustices. The areas they commonly work in include:
- Divorce settlements
- Trusts and wills
- Contract disputes
- Mortgages and titles
- Personal injury cases
- Workers compensation cases
Apart from these, civil lawyers also deal with civil rights business law and offer advice to individuals grappling with complex legal procedures.
Winding It Up: What to Expect from a Civil Attorney Near Me
If you’ve been struggling with a dispute and feel that you’re fighting a losing battle, the services of a civil lawyer could tip the scales in your favor.
A civil attorney near me is expected to possess in-depth knowledge of the latest civil laws, rules, and regulations. They are adept at understanding all the non-criminal aspects of a legal dispute between parties and suggesting the best possible solution to resolve the issue.
That said, don’t try to tackle your legal issues without legal expertise, as it may exacerbate them. Instead, seek help from a professional civil lawyer near me who can help you navigate state laws relevant to your case and ensure you emerge victorious.